date: 04.04.2003
entitled: "sick, sick, sick"

i am so. sick. of things. right now. not everything, just things. this entry will probably annoy the shit out of some people, and even i will probably be annoyed with it by the time it ends. in fact, i'm already sick of it, but i shall continue.

i am sick of doing the social limbo. i don't think i've ever had as many friends, or different groups or kinds of friends, as i do right now. many of them are 'shared friends' with joe, meaning, i wouldn't necessarily feel completely comfortable calling them to make plans unless joe was involved too. but i think they're all great. it just feels hard sometimes to coordinate all the gathering place bullshit.

i am sick of my wardrobe.


i am sick of politics, in general.

i am sick of my neighbors playing retarded music with the bass turned all the way up. and the way they stomp around their apartment. what the fuck are they doing?!

i am sick of our curtains. and our apartment. but at least it's comfortable.

i am sick of mass transportation. of course, this is because of all the people. what am i supposed to do when i just don't feel like seeing people i don't know in large concentrations?

i am sick of hearing about the same stuff happening within my family. if you're going to move, move already. if you're having health problems, just tell me when you feel better. and don't tell me to start checking into cd's and retirement funds, when you've done it all wrong from the get-go. plus, i'm only 25 and the economy is bad. just let me wait.

i am sick of the bad economy.

I AM SICK OF MY JOB. can't i do something i'd enjoy doing, and that i was TRAINED to do in college, PLEASE?

i am sick of my hair. grow already, damn you.

i am sick of drinking alcohol.

i am sick of people just plain not knowing what is healthy for them, and their stubbornness and blindness. they chop the cows apart while they're STILL ALIVE, for god's sake. just stop eating them!

i am sick of the colors on diaryland. this whole lavendar and yellow thing has got to go.

i am sick of america, and its ethnocentric mentality. can i even call it ethnocentric, since we are not one ethnicity? well, you know what i mean.

uckgh. now i'm sick of this entry. i'm going to eat my leftover korean food. maybe i won't be as sick of things tomorrow.

song stuck in my head:
she's lost control - joy division

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